Marc’s Posts

February 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Canadian Health Care’

Responding to Bullying – A Perspective

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 @ 12:04 PM

In recognition of Pink Shirt Day – here is my perspective on anti-bullying that I co-authored in 2016. Sadly not much has happened in the way of any government legislation or regulation against bullying since then.
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Expanding Canadian Healthcare in the USA: A New Frontier for Arizona

The Co-Chairs of the Canada-Surprise, Arizona Cross-Border Healthcare Task Force hosted a panel presentation and discussion on the topic of Expanding Canadian Healthcare in the USA: A New Frontier in Arizona

By Casey Kuhn
Senior Field Correspondent
91.5 KJZZ

They say the leaves don’t change here — but the license plates do. ‘Tis the season for snowbirds traveling south to Arizona. One city is looking to bring health care that is targeted especially for those coming from our northern border neighbor.

Canadian health care leaders are in the Valley this week with Surprise officials discussing how to bring Canadian medical services to the area.

Jeanine Jerkovic is Surprise’s economic development director and helped spearhead the program.

“When you’re a city called Surprise, you know you have to be interesting,” Jerkovic said. “We like to welcome new people, we like to pilot new things, we’re a very young community.”

The idea is to set up a place in Surprise where Canadian doctors can practice and the snowbirds can get medical services and rehabilitation in a warm place.

Marc Kealey is a Canadian advocate of health reform and says the wait times in Canada for orthopedic surgery are long.

“This is a valve release,” Kealey said. “If we looked at this and said right now the wait times in Canada for hips and knees are anywhere from twelve to eighteen months. That’s unconscionable.”

There are about 20,000 Canadian-owned housing units in the Valley, and many are being occupied now as winter arrives and snowbirds migrate.

Canadian lawyer Chris MacLeod said it’s a good opportunity.

“The genius of what Surprise has done is create or at least capture a real opportunity that exists to deliver Canadian health care to Canadians in a climate and community that is welcoming and endearing,” said MacLeod.

A feasibility study is still being conducted to figure out the cost of bringing Canadian doctors to Surprise.

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image © Jacob Stanek

By Richard Smith
Independent Newsmedia

Canadians already flock to the Valley of the Sun — and the Northwest Valley in particular — in droves every winter.

Arizona is home to more than 350 Canadian companies and more than 1.1 million Canadians visit our state annually, according to the Canada Arizona Business Council. While many are here on vacation, some Canadians could get work done if an ambitious venture from Surprise and a Canadian healtchcare leader comes to fruition.

“There are so many Canadians that visit and invest in the market,” said Surprise Economic Development Director Jeanine Jerkovic, a former a trade commissioner for the Canadian Consulate in Phoenix.

During the June 20 City Council work session Ms. Jerkovic and Marc Kealey, CEO of Kealey & Associates in Toronto, presented the possibility of a new Canadian medical service center in Surprise aimed at patients who desire Canadian medical standards without the long wait times for services.

Mr. Kealey said a increasing percentage of the Canadian population is age 65 or older, and a decent amount of this aging population already spends a considerable amount of time in the United States — with Arizona a top destination.

Healthcare in Canada is publically (i.e. government) funded but privately delivered. Mr. Kealey said it is not free for consumers, a common misconception, but costs are generally manageable.

However, this model affects how often physicians can work and the availability of some types of medical procedures. For example, Mr. Kealey said, in many parts of Canada, orthopedic surgeons can only work one day a week, since it is too expensive to keep their facilities open four or five days a week.

“There are people that are in Canada who are waiting up to 18 months to get a (new) hip or knee,” Mr. Kealey said.

In the province of Ontario alone, he said, 30,000 residents are waiting for these replacements. Mr. Kealey has spent three decades in healthcare and said the wait times have been an issue at least 25 of those years.

Plus, Canada’s harsh winters wipe out a good chunk of the year for post-operation rehabilitation.

“It is really stupid to do a hip or knee (replacement) in Canada in February,” Mr. Kealey said.

Kealey & Associates is an advocacy and strategy implementation firm in Canada specializing in healthcare and drug reform.

He said a lot of people have tried to operate private clinics in upstate New York, Florida and on the West Coast.

For years, Mr. Kealey searched for a place to do something a bit different. Surprise became the choice, he said, because of its assertive nature and willingness to think outside the box.

In February, Mayor Sharon Wolcott appointed Ms. Jerkovic and Mr. Kealey as co-chairs for a cross-border taskforce to research and identify ways in which Surprise can support expanded healthcare services to Canadians who visit or reside in the area.

Councilman John Williams lived in New York before Surprise and is familiar with the Canadian health system.

“I love the concept. We’re serving the greater good. The wait times have been going on for a long time,” he said.

While the big-picture concept is sound, the rest of this year is likely to be spent seeing if details can be worked out. Roundtables are scheduled for Toronto later this summer and Surprise in the fall.

A decision should come in the winter and, if favorable, the program could start in 2018.

Surgeries are more likely in winter, early spring or late fall, followed by a rehabilitation stint here.

“One of the things we’ve landed on is the notion that there is infrastructure here already. The infrastructure here is complementary to what we want to do,” Mr. Kealey said. “As a concrete example, we know that if you can’t get a hip or knee (replacement) in Canada for 18 months and there is an option to do that here, we’ll market that to patients. We looked at things like once a patient is here, how long would they need to be here. When you look at opportunities for post-op, there’s an existing infrastructure in tele-medicine that could link from Surprise, Arizona to that patient’s physician back home, even before the surgery.”

In particular, he is talking about MD24, the Surprise-based tele-medicince company that grew from Surprise’s incubator. That kind of medical integration is exciting, Mr. Kealey said, and a hallmark of the Canadian system.

Second issue is to formalize the feasibility of providing the service here. Costs, providers and facilities would have to be consistent with those in Canada.

Mr. Kealey said the extra cost to patients — and earnings potential for Surprise — would be travel related.

Employment for local workers would come from the ancillary medical jobs, such as nurses, personal suppork workers and nurse practicioners.

“There are issues with having Canadian physicians credentialed to actually practice here. Obviously we’re looking at Canadian phisicians concentrating on Canadian patients who would be here. We’ve got to make sure the regulatory issue is handled,” Mr. Kealey said. “We’ve done the econo-metrics on this. We know our fee structure in Canada, so we want to have the fee srtucture from Canada actually imposed down here. The analogy would be almost a consular service for health care — walking into a Canadian clinic, as it were. There’s a Canadian flag flying outside, the physicians doing work are to Canadian standards and are Canadian physicians and the fee structure is the Canadian system.”

Photo credit: Jacob Stanek
Original article:

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Canadian Healthcare: Resource Crunch

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 @ 11:05 PM

The resources crunch is coming in Canadian healthcare,
and tough choices must be made.

[hana-flv-player video=”″
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Click the play button to listen.


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I will be speaking with Dr. Gordon Atherley from Family Caregivers Unite! for a podcast on how to help with diabetes for diabetics and their families.

You can get the latest information on the podcast by visiting

Marc Kealey is a lead voice in North America on health reform, integrated health and drug benefit plan enhancement, and healthcare policy. John Wunderlich is an independent information and privacy consultant in Toronto who describes himself as a middle-aged guy with Type II diabetes who’s active in a political party. They discuss diabetes-related challenges. They say how well these challenges are being met by the healthcare system, healthcare professionals and persons with diabetes and their families. For improving the way the challenges are being met, they explore the responsibilities they see for the healthcare system, for healthcare professionals and for persons with diabetes and for their families. Then they say what they would see done to improve responses to the challenges of diabetes, and what would change if their prescriptions for change were implemented.

Tune in on July 26th at 1PM EST.

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In response to the growing concerns over the cross-border prescription drug trade, an event was hosted at the National Press Club where Dr. Marv Shepherd, an expert on the importation of drugs from the University of Texas, spoke to a Canadian audience about the negative impact of drug exports to the US.

We have been voicing concerns for the past two years about the detrimental impact of the spread of cross-border trade in prescription drugs, and more specifically drug re-importation into the United States via Internet pharmacies.

“Our message to the government of Canada is to move quickly to ban all export of prescription drugs, said Marc Kealey. “This will in effect eliminate the potential risk to the Canadian supply of prescription drugs, and as importantly, eliminate the potential risk on patient safety due to the unregulated internet pharmacy trade.”

Prescription drugs are a highly political issue in the U.S. because of their high prices and cases of Americans going across the border to Canada for treatment or to buy drugs have been growing.

One of the biggest problems associated with importation is people never know exactly where the drugs are coming from.  There is no guarantee that imported drugs are safe.  Just because there is a Canadian flag on the website, doesn’t mean that the source of the drug is from Canada.  Therein lies the problem for Americans – who may not be certain that the drugs they receive via Internet Pharmacy may be real.

A country with 33 million citizens should not be supplying the prescription needs of a country with 280 million,” said Kealey. “Raiding Canada’s medicine cabinet will not solve health care problems in the U.S.”

This has been the ongoing message that Marc Kealey has delivered to media and to stakeholders across the country and in several states in the United States, including Texas, Maine, Florida, Rhode Island, Michigan, Illinois, Nevada and Vermont.

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Remarks from 5th Annual Health Policy Summit

Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 09:10 AM

Here is my speech entitled “Cross-border Prescriptions and the Impact on Canadian Health Care“, the entire document is reproduced below.

Marc Kealey’s Health Policy Summit Speech


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