Levant on a Rant
Ezra Levant, author, raconteur, political observer and staunch defender of all things Western Canada, took his case for ethical oil to the podium of the Economic Club of Canada recently.
In his speech to a friendly crowd of oil, gas and energy executives, he noted that the Alberta Oil Sands are a target for, what he calls, biased environmentalists, political and media types despite the fact that it is the single largest contributor in North America to energy self sufficiency and in Alberta to job creation.
He referenced his latest book ‘Ethical Oil’. He further noted that many detractors for the Fort MacMurray oil sands are simply agitating for blatant political purposes. His more vitriolic diatribes were reserved for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who while here in Canada, held talks with a star struck audience of politicos and journalists, as was reported in recent media. Some of her comments railed against the oil sands include calling it a ‘Black Eye’.
His style is both humorous and insightful.
His message is very credible and his arguments make it easy to understand the rationale for those who are detractors to the oil sands given that no one seemingly wants to make those kinds of comments against Saudi Arabia, Nigeria or other such ‘secretive’ countries.
The book ‘Ethical Oil’ is a prompter for thought and to hear him speak and rant live is equally as thought-provoking.